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The "Gothic" format is the standard format for our Razor Valley tournaments and our most common style of event. Armies for a Gothic tournament must meet the following guidelines:


  • Battleforged army constructed with a maximum of 1,500pts.

  • All rules from the Matched Play section of the rulebook are in effect, including the limits of no more than three detachments or three uses of any particular datasheet in an army.

  • Armies can be drawn from any legal sourcebook, including Forge World materials. Please have a copy of all relevant datasheets and rules (either digital or physical) with you at the tournament- Battlescribe is not an acceptable alternative.


Players should have at least one printed copy of their list for their opponents to examine; handwritten is also acceptable, provided it is sufficiently legible. We also ask that players upload their lists to the Best Coast Pairings app (in text, .pdf, or photograph form) for the convenience of all opponents as well as the tournament organizers.


Each player is responsible for ensuring the legality of their own list; please make sure to double-check point costs and other changes in light of the FAQs and publications such as Chapter Approved. Illegal lists may be altered, have units removed, or even result in automatic game loss at the discretion of the organizers.


Gothic tournaments use the ITC Champions missions (available here) except where otherwise noted.


We ask that players have their armies be fully-constructed (no "legs on a base," etc) and be as close to "What You See Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) as possible, although reasonable exceptions may be made with explicit prior authorization from the organizers. Conversions are allowed and even encouraged, but proxies (i.e. using one model to represent another without making any alterations) are not. 


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