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Overall score breakdown, 90 points total:

Display  15  |  Conversions  15  |  Basing  10  |  Unity  10  |  Brushwork  30  |  Judge's Discretion  +/- 10


DISPLAY (The means of army presentation.)-

0        No display board or empty, unaltered board (bare piece of wood, etc.)

1-4     Basic attempt. Flocking and/or painting, some minor scenery details (hills, etc) added.

5-9     Multiple scenery pieces or extensive detailing. Significant work put into presentation of the army.

10-15 Army and board are heavily integrated, copious detailing. 


CONVERSIONS (Taking the phsycial construction of the models to the next level.)-

0        No significant conversions, or purely functional ones to fulfill WYSIWYG.

1-4     Minor conversions- heads/arms from other kits, very basic reposing, some added bitz.

5-9     Significant conversions or sculpting, use of multiple disparate kits, creative scratchbuilds.

10-15 Most or all of army is converted. Extensive sculpting or custom parts.


BASING (The only thing all armies have in common and often the last part to be considered.)-

0        Unpainted or unaltered bases. One or fewer colors.

1-3     Basic paint job and/or added material (flocking, sand, etc.) Some details painted.

4-7     Attractive basing or custom work on each base. Attention paid to all details.

8-10   Extensive customization and immaculate attention to detail as well as use of many materials/techniques.


UNITY (The concept of a united, uniform looking product. All parts have a place.)-

0        No coherency of scheme- using borrowed models or radically different paint schemes without rationale.

1-3     Units belong to same army. May be some mismatch in level of detail or slightly discordant themes.

4-7     Extensive work to match the army together (similar or complementing palettes, good color mixing, etc.)

8-10   All models painted to the same high standard. If different schemes are used they look fantastic together.


BRUSHWORK (Actual execution of your paint. Technique, amount, detail.)-

1        Three color minimum met. Primed with at least two additional colors added.

2-6     Base coat finished on all models. Some limited attempts at detailing added.

7-11   All models have a completed base coat and details. May be some minor overpaints.

12-16 Some shading and highlights applied to models. Some attempt at decals and insignia or other customizations.

17-21 Multiple levels of shading and/or highlighting. Careful attention paid to details.

22-24 Ultra-fine details are picked out (pupils, grime on legs in mud, etc.). Advanced painting techniques demonstrated.

25-28 Glorious, immaculate detail everywhere. "Plain" surfaces are given texture. All parts of the model given attention. 

28-30 Flaws cannot be found, you may as well be playing with a Crystal Brush entry.


JUDGES DISCRETION (For catagories that exceed our scales. Or for armies that are perfect save one flaw...)-

+/- 10   With reasoning provided. 


To reduce biases and create the fairest experience we use a panel of judges taken from our staff. There will be at least two present. All scores will be available after the tournament on our gallery page with actual breakdowns made available on request. 


Sportsmanship Questionnaire:


At the end of each game, answer each of the following Yes/No questions about your opponent:


          1) Did your opponent show up on time, ready to start the game?

          2) Did your opponent have all the necessary materials to play (printed army list, dice, templates, rule books, etc.?)

          3) Did your opponent resolve disputes (if any) in an amicable way?

          4) Did your opponent play their turns in a timely manner and work to finish the game on time?

          5) Did you enjoy playing against this opponent?


At the end of the tournament, please write the name of your favourite opponent bellow:



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